The cliff swallow gathers mud and clay and creates a sturdy nest in about a week or two.
The Red Ovenbird does that in a few days.
We can print up to an 800 square foot Keiko home outer shell and some inner walls in a week or less. We have to give credit to the cliff swallow–it could definitely outsmart we humans if it had access to bird-sized robots, considering how clever and efficient they are already.
But the concept of a robot 3d-printing around itself on a slab bears a resemblance to nature’s ways. With a team of 4-5 people, Madco3d can create a shelter that needs only standard windows, doors from your local box store, ReStore or whichever construction vendor you personally favor, to get the print ready for habitation.
The design, by our partners at TAM, has ample and efficient living space that can be finished and in turnkey condition, down to the last screw holding the doorbell, in under two months. Using sustainable Sika concrete, we extrude energy-efficient, beautiful layers of material that can show its forms and shadows for its entire life, or smoothed while printing–or sided, stuccoed or any number of treatments.
The Keiko House, printed in place around the robot (slab required.)
A robot caught in its natural habitat, extruding concrete walls
Invest in Madco3d to join the new wave of creativity, sustainability and value with a luxury feel in home design and construction.
3-dimensionally yours,
The Madco3d Team