If you’ve ever wondered how an architect enters the abstruse and nascent world of designing and 3d-printing housing, with all of the multilayered purposes and functions inherent to these forms, read on. Far more than simply reducing the need for physical labor in an under-populated construction employment world, Madco3d president Adam Kushner’s designs in 3d-printed sustainable concrete as shown in our hybridhouse™ model in our New Hampshire production space reveals economies in three separate trades (framing, siding and drywall); as well as in material use; in energy use; in carbon footprint.
hybridhouse™ module under construction at Madco3d’s production space in New Hampshire
Kushner began this work with a burning interest and a dream well over a decade ago. He teaches the only course in 3d printing in architecture we’ve heard of in America. With our committed team, he has helped will and bring into existence the hybridhouse™ module.
Why? A concomitant increase in quality of life accompanies living in fully 3d-printed concrete home or a sophisticated yet attainable hybridhouse™ incorporating sustainable modular elements. The tactility of the 3d-printed concrete; the immersive curves in the forms that not only eliminate materials but enhance the living space and experience while delivering a user experience that could be compared to the comfort of a futuristic cave in its quietness, safety and security while balancing that ethic with natural light pouring in through generous, efficient windows.
750sf hybridhouse™ designed by Adam Kushner: incorporating Sika 3d printable concrete with 65% less cement content
We can follow some of Kushner’s vision and inspiration by looking at his own home in Greenwich Village, NY, as featured in the Wall Street Journal.
So folks who invest in Madco3d are taking part in the future of design, materials and construction and the human lived experience in the built environment. We hope you will join the nearly 200 investors who have joined us so far.

3-dimensionally yours,
The Madco3d Team