We were thrilled to get this message from HGTV, CTV and DIY tv’s celebrity contractor Sherry Holmes. When leading tradespeople like Sherry love what you’re doing, you’re generally on the right track.
Sherry Holmes bio (briefly.co):
Sherry is a Canadian contractor, part-time designer, motivational speaker, and TV personality. She is among the top female residential contractors in the country. Sherry’s work has been featured in Holmes on Homes on the DIY Network and other reality shows on CTV Life, HGTV, and CTV. She appears alongside her dad and brother in most shows. Sherry has inspired many to enter the skilled trades sector ever since she joined this male-dominated industry.

Her desire to command respect from male counterparts in the construction industry also propelled her to hone her skills. Most considered her the weakest, but she proved them wrong by becoming one of the best workers on her team. Besides appearing on her dad’s shows, Sherry has been featured in the Canadian series Holmes 911 on CTV Life. Up next, HGTV’s Home to Win, and Holmes Family Effect on CTV.
Join the nearly 250 investors who seem to share Sherry’s take on what we do! Find her @sherryholmes on Instagram (and us at @madco3d.)
3-dimensionally yours,
The Madco3d Team