See the Architizer+ Award-Winning High-Rise with 3d-printed Madco3d Concrete Features!

Harris Study Shows Strong Consumer Acceptance

Turns out American consumers are really into 3d-printed homes. A HarrisX study commissioned by showed some very significant love being given what Madco3d is tackling at scale:

The study went on to say what is probably what we all are thinking: “it is interesting to see that consumers are open to embracing alternative construction options, with 66% saying they would consider living in a 3D-printed home. Once again, generationally, younger cohorts tend to be more open to technology, with 75% of millennials and 69% of Gen Xers indicating they would live in such a home. Likewise, higher income urban consumers are more likely to live in a home built using additive technology.”

With the national housing crisis at an all-time high, Madco3d’s homes are catching a wave. Invest now to be part of a company meeting a massive market need. As Axios reported this week, the United States is short 3.2 million homes.

Invest in Madco3d today, and join the nearly 200 others on StartEngine who have hopped on the 3d express.

3-dimensionally yours,

The Madco3d Team

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