It’s easy to watch our massive TAM seven axis robot laying down beautiful beads of sustainable concrete, and think that is amazing, but don’t forget Madco3d uses a second 3d printing technique:

This technique (aka powder bed printing, chemical sintering, sand deposition) uses a massive 3d printer that distributes sand and a non-toxic powder mixture into a print bed, max size 9.5’ x 22’. The hopper lays down 6 mm layers, while the printhead emits a non-toxic binder, slice by slice.

The print bed rises to contain each new layer and the form cures inside the box of sand, which sounds vaguely like a Grateful Dead song.
After letting the print cure for a day or so, the walls are lowered, and like an archeological dig, the print is revealed.

There is some postproduction and the print is complete—a special concrete that absorbs up to 90% of the CO2 required to create it. That creates organic forms for coral, for structural use (column) and art.
The column you see was printed in one night, and assembled later.

So when you invest in Madoco3d you are part of a two-pronged approach–from pixel to pavement: witness the alchemy of code and concrete as Madco3D rewrites the rules of architecture.
3-dimensionally yours,
The Madco3d Team