Here at Madco3d, we take the world’s problems seriously. We even take them personally. When it comes to the housing crisis, we tackle it head-on with faster, more sustainable, more attainable methods and results
(photo courtesy of our partners at TAM)When it comes to the home of one of nature’s most ancient and important threads in the fabric of life, coral colonies and reefs and the thousands of species that rely upon them, we bar no holds. That’s a little proactive-sounding, we realize, but big problems require big solutions. So, for substrate, we begin with a 3d file and then print it 6mm at a time in our huge sand deposition sustainable concrete printing system:
3d-printed brain coral in CO2 absorbing concrete by Madco3d. Print time: 40 minutes.
We can scale the CO2 absorbing concrete prints to as large as 9′ x 20′ and use biomimetic, parametric design criteria informed by leading marine biologists to attempt to create the most effect coral replacement and enhancement tailored to the particular environment and species present.
Finally, we work with leading scientists to develop and encourage the growth of new coral species that are hardier, more resistant to climate change, polluted and more acidic oceans.
Invest in Madco3d and join the effort to science the **** out of our problems. To innovate, to scale, to help correct out-of-balance ecosystems.
Biomimetically yours,
The Madco3d Team